A face lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that rejuvenates appearance through tightening the muscles around the face and removing excess tissue. The procedure is based on an individualized treatment plan that may require more than one session. Much of the success with face lift surgery depends on your willingness to follow specific instructions from an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Review the following guidelines on how to prepare for the day of your face lift procedure.
Prepare for Your Face Lift Procedure With a Consultation
The first step to preparing for your face lift procedure is through a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. The consultation is an opportunity to communicate current dissatisfaction with your appearance and expectations for surgery. The doctor will describe realistic results regarding what can be achieved through a face lift. Other procedures may be recommended to enhance results, such as a neck lift or forehead lift.
During the consultation, a thorough examination of your health, including an assessment of your medical history is required. The doctor will discuss the risks associated with a face lift. Alternatives to face lift surgery may be suggested where appropriate. The cost of the face lift will also be addressed, including financing options.
Verify the Surgeon’s Experience Before Your Face Lift Procedure
Before you agree to any surgery, it’s important to learn the qualifications of the doctor. Ask the cosmetic surgeon for credentials, including education and board certification. Look for certification from an accredited organization, such as the American Society of Plastic Surgery. Inquire into years of experience and the frequency with which your plastic surgeon has performed face lifts.
Prepare for the Day of your Face Lift Procedure Weeks in Advance
Your cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed instructions for how to prepare for the day of your face lift. You play an important part in the success and speedy recovery from a face lift. Be sure to follow all directions in detail.
Prior to your face lift surgery, avoid medications that thin the blood, including aspirin. Smoking is prohibited at least two weeks before and after the procedure. You may also need to take certain medications or vitamin supplements.
Recovery from a face lift procedure requires plenty of rest during the first week. Take care of obligations before the day of your surgery. The doctor may recommend that you let short hair grow to conceal surgical incisions while they heal.
The Day Before Your Face Lift Procedure
Make arrangements with a friend or relative to escort you home from your face lift surgery. If possible, find someone who can assist you for the first day or two. A helping hand prevents the possibility of overexertion during the crucial post-operative recovery period.
Prevent infection and clean your hair really well. Avoid any alcohol the night before your face lift procedure. Be sure to get plenty of rest.
The Day of Your Face Lift Surgery
A face lift procedure can take up to four hours, during which you will receive either a general anesthesia, or local accompanied by a sedative. Following surgery, you will be transferred to a recovery room. In some cases, patients may be required to stay overnight. Otherwise, you can return home with a packet of detailed postoperative instructions.
Recovery From your Face Lift Surgery
Get plenty of rest and follow the instructions from your cosmetic surgeon. Recovery from a face lift requires that you refrain from strenuous activity for at least two weeks. Within roughly ten days, you should be able to resume most normal activities.
The aforementioned guidelines should not substitute for a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. To get the full scope on how to prepare for the day of your face lift, schedule an appointment with a qualified plastic surgeon. Refer to DocShop.com for help locating a doctor.
Author: Keion Moradi