EMUs are huge, flightless birds that run wild in Australia and are grown throughout the world on the ranch production. A little 'smaller than ostriches, emus are social beings. Although they adore caterpillars, they also eat fruit, flowers, insects and seeds. They live in flocks, except during the mating of the mating season, when. And Pope is the caregiver for the chicks!

Emu: The Bird

The EMU I've seen are large, dark eyes and funny faces. As I droveby Zoo rescue a bunch of following my car - probably because I knew that animal. Powerful creatures and from 5 to 7 feet tall, weighs 110-120 pounds. You do not want in a corner, because when frightened, they are replacing. You can save up to 40 km / h, often a step 9 feet! They are great swimmers, too. Family members of the ratites, emu, ostrich and rhea cousins.

Emu Fat

Here is their problem. They develop a lot of fat. And peoplediscovered that the EMU will be processed fats, and manufactured into oil, may be used in cosmetics and skin care. The oil is particularly popular in moisturizer, body lotion, soap and lip balm. But you have to kill the bird to get fat.

Beauticians can say that emu oil is derived exclusively from the feathers of birds and the bird is not killed for their feathers. My research indicates the opposite. The fat is taken from the carcass of the bird and refined oil. The rest ofemu can then be sold as meat and skin like leather.

Incorrect Product Labeling

Here is the other problem is that even some cosmetic companies claim their products based on herbs, natural or environmentally friendly, sometimes use emu oil. Since the EMU is not a common word, it is easy to lose the label, or overlooked, in advertising. Emu oil is very popular, not only because it works well as a plasticizer on the human skin, but also because nobody talks aboutwhere it comes from really.

If you're an animal lover, you must be careful, because reading between the lines on the label manufacturer of cosmetics e-mail with your questions. For example, the word "natural" is often misunderstood. If the label says "natural" is not the same as "herbal", "vegetable" or "animal friendly". The American Emu Association, which represents many of the producers of emu oil, uses the motto: "Emu, the natural alternative."

So the next time you see a 3-toed,bushy tail, hairy-looking Goober soft brown with a bill of large size, a fast is bald, blue head and long thin legs - it is an EMU. And here comes the Emu oil.

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