You must avoid these mistakes, if you want your face painting designs with a strong visual impact.
1. False Color
Painting with non-toxic paints are certainly thinking in the face and the subject is presented in a bright red rash.
Solution: Use only approved by the FDA (or similar institutions in other countries) face colors. Allergic reaction to this is, while other colors may rarely cause skin rashes and even permanent scarring. Pay particular attentionthe application of the paint around the eyes. Only wash brushes and sponges in hot water, never alcohol or detergents, as these can also cause an allergic reaction.
2. Colors run into each other
Solution allows a color completely before the next paint dry. And clean brush or sponge and warm water before any other color.
3. The base color is streaked
Solution: Use less water to dilute the color. Use only the quality of the faceColors for Your Face painting designs.
4. Painting dark colors first
Not able to correct errors while adding a lighter color without obscuring the dark color that room clean and a new beginning.
Solution: Start with the lightest colors are working up to darker colors. In this way you can on every little mistake you made paint.
5. Detail is too big and fat
Design has lost its proportions, as the shapes and lines are in the wrongThick.
Solution: For details, you must use a thin brush. It 'best to use a minimum of three brushes in Face Painting - thin, medium and large sizes.
6 Face Paint does not sit well on skin
Solution: Clean the face thoroughly with a wet wipe away all the dirt and excess oil removed. And, if necessary with the help of a band formed to keep the hair from her face. Use the best quality face painting you can afford.
7 Face Paint cracks soonAfter drying
Solution: Use face paint in a thin layer. You can always build another layer of color density.
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