What you don't know about what is in your face creams could quite literally kill you. Most of the supposedly natural face cream that is sold in the large chain stores are not the organic products that they are advertised to be. They are laboratory chemical vials disguised as pure cosmetics.

Face creams should be safe to use without question. It only takes a quick look at the ingredients label in order to bring questions to the surface. If you can't readily recognize most of the ingredients on the label, and explain in clear detail what they are and what they do, then you could be in trouble.

Now I understand that even the labels of a truly natural face cream can be the cause of some confusion to the unknowing consumer. This is because the manufacturers are forced to use the international nomenclature of cosmetics ingredients, which is a way of listing the ingredients by their scientific classification.

Although this language can cause some confusion and misconception, it doesn't mean that the companies are trying to fool you. What you must understand is that when buying face cream, you must make sure to figure out exactly what it is that you are getting, even if you have to go home first and look some of the ingredients up.

That is the whole point of what I'm telling you really. You have to be diligent about protecting your health by doing your homework, and being able to identify the good stuff from the bad. So what if you didn't know that "Persea Gratissima" in your natural face cream was Avocado oil, once you do find out you'll be glad you did.

Better safe than sorry. What would you say if you bought a face cream containing Parabens or Phenol Carbolic acid, simply because you didn't want to take the time to educate yourself on what you were buying? Don't know what they are? Let me explain them to you.

Parabens are preservatives normally not found in natural face cream, but widely used in synthetic creams. Parabens are known for their propensity to greatly increase the likelihood of you developing cancer somewhere down the road. They are not necessary to include in any cosmetics product.

Phenol Carbolic acid is used widely in skin cream for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Phenol can cause respiratory failure, circulatory collapse, convulsions, paralysis, coma, and death. Don't you wish that you had known that before you bought some of the cosmetics that you already have?

The best face cream will use pure organic ingredients to play the roles of the toxins named above. Natural vitamin E is the main preservative agent that you are looking for in a product. The antibacterial agent that needs to be sought out is active Manuka honey, found only in New Zealand.

If you want something really special in a face cream, try the one that features Wakame brown sea algae (kelp). For ages this algae has been proclaimed by the Japanese people to be a virtual fountain of youth. You owe it to yourself to try it.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at http://www.your-best-skin-care-site.com/ to find out what products she recommends for the safety of your health.